Upon your purchase you will receive a confirmation email.
This will have a download link. Please download the PDF and read the instructions to get started.
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Upon your purchase you will receive a confirmation email.
This will have a download link. Please download the PDF and read the instructions to get started.
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This is my application to join the 500 Club and benefit straight away by getting started with my new website, the hosting of my website, social media help, SEO & Google training and strategic marketing support.
I acknowledge this is a superior club than the 100 and 200 clubs, I am getting the work done for me on my new site, after I have provided the images and text. I am getting the social media links built in once I have provided my account url details.
My business will benefit from having a 5 page site (and not 3), personal SEO feedback on the site build by one of their site builders and 12 months hosting – so I have no other hosting fees for a whole year.
I will have my Google account for the business opened and my new site registered, the tracking code put on and emails setting up and linked.
I will also benefit by getting access to the strategic marketing group. As a member each month I will access a £20 business genius recording (there are 24 business leaders being interviewed) and marketing study guide from the genius Dan Kennedy (the godfather of marketing) which will inspire my ideas. This access will last 6 months at £50 a month and will include a far more detailed look at SEO & marketing (the training videos will not be required). This is a different group than the standard free group, I will access the strategic mastermind group.
My support package, instead of the £20 a month package, will be the £50 a month package for 6 months. Not only do I get support and back up, site updates done, hosting with fast page loading and security; but I get a monthly report on site visitors with recommendations. Essential for me to get my site marketing with the ability to measure its success!
In addition I will benefit by getting 6 months access to the marketing mastermind group (value £50 per month)
For my £550 investment I get a £1,474 package.
£10. Website domain name training.
£75. Webspace set up for your new site, including 4 business email addresses.
£399. 5 page website chosen from a template design and then built for me.
£50. Website lifetime license cover for all updates.
£30. Website legal requirements & GDPR.
£300. 6 months of the Gold Deluxe website hosting with all of the support with backups, site updates and your monthly report with recommendations for more visitors.
£60. Access to the Social Media Training package to get you up and socially connected with your business and personal coaching.
£100. Access to the Google/SEO training so I can set up my account and get the tracking code which can go onto my new website so I can follow visitor numbers and personal coaching to drive more business.
£100. Access to the strategic marketing training with coaching specifically related to my business.
FREE ongoing membership to the Marketing Training & Support Group.
£300. Access to the Marketing Entrepreneurs Mastermind Club – unique support group
£1,424 in total.
Please read before purchasing as they form a part of the legal contact between LifeTools Digital and yourself.